N/A Ensemble Concert: February 18, 2018

I wanted to share my latest project: N/A Ensemble.

Jesse Diener-Bennett and I decided that upon moving to Ohio, we would finally put all of our plotting into action and start an ensemble that plays the music we love. The result is N/A. The second concert of the first season is coming up, N/A Ensemble + Compass New Music and we’re thrilled to be presenting works selected from our call for scores along with works by Pamela Z and Eva-Maria Houben.

It’s been fantastic working with musicians here and exploring a new city’s art and music scene. Toledo has very good art – if you’re ever in town check out the museum and especially the glass pavilion. Glass is a bit of a thing here and the collection of glass art is really interesting.

We have some exciting things coming up with N/A (stay tuned to naensemble.com for updates), and I’m still doing some solo performing, it’s just taking a backseat role for a this season.

Happy musicking!